This first annual Global Mental Health Financing Insights report: ‘The Power of Giving’, aims to highlight the critical role private philanthropy is playing in this global issue by increasing transparency and sharing expert
insights in global mental health philanthropy.
 This report identifies key trends, challenges, and opportunities; explores the motivations and priorities of funders; and highlights and celebrates the most influential philanthropic contributors to global mental health.

“The transparency The Power of Giving provides makes clear both the power of philanthropy, and how underfunded mental health is worldwide as a rallying call for more funders to scale what works when it comes to improving mental health for all.”

— Gabrielle Fitzgerald, Panorama Global

“It’s uncommon to find a report that synthesizes the latest data with practical insights and recommendations that can be actioned.  Moreover, I appreciate the clarion call to arms.  As a funder passionate about the wellbeing and future of the world’s young people, I am grateful for a report that incisively points out why and how we should invest in mental health.”

— Cynthia Steele, EMpower

Executive Summary

Mental health is a fundamental human right, yet it has gone underfunded and overlooked worldwide. Over the last decade, efforts to accelerate action on mental health have increased, supported by the development of a global action plan, increasing data and evidence, and expanding advocacy from civil society.

Despite this, the number of people living with serious mental health conditions continues to increase due to intersecting crises around the world. They also experience lack of access to care, stigma, and human rights abuses worldwide, while youth mental health has experienced a steady decline over the last two decades.

Historic underinvestment in mental health, combined with increasing need, means our world is not able to meet the current or future demand for mental health prevention and support worldwide, particularly for the most vulnerable. To address this growing global crisis, action is required from all stakeholders: public, private and civil society.

Government investment alone has not been sufficient and, as a result, there is growing interest in mental health philanthropy as a catalyst to accelerate action. Yet, information about global mental health philanthropy is hard to find in the public domain.

This first annual Global Mental Health Financing Insights: ‘The Power of Giving’, launched in celebration of World Mental Health Day 2024, aims to highlight the critical role private philanthropy is playing in this global issue, by increasing transparency and sharing expert insights in global mental health philanthropy.

This report identifies key trends, challenges, and opportunities; explores the motivations and priorities of funders; and highlights and celebrates the most influential contributors to mental health causes globally. It is based on extensive literature reviews, expert insights from professionals working directly in philanthropy and/or global mental health, and a global survey of philanthropic funders.

This year’s report identifies three key trends in global mental health philanthropy:

  1. Integrating mental health into existing philanthropic priorities is a powerful way to accelerate action and investment.

  2. Interest in raising and pooling funds is growing among many global mental health funders.

  3. Private-public partnerships are catalysing investment and action in mental health.

Spread the Word

Please join us in sharing your thoughts on the research with colleagues, friends and on social media.

A full launch communications toolkit is available here for download. Or, please contact for any additional support you would like to offer to share these research findings with gender focused organisations, funders, media, companies and advocates around the world.

“Addressing mental health is crucial to building healthier communities, and innovative approaches are transforming how mental health prevention, promotion and care is supported—especially in regions with limited access.

We are grateful to be funding this work in partnership with the Government of Canada, Fondation Botnar and the UK’s Department of Social Care, and are excited to see more funders stepping up to join us. Together, we can make a lasting impact on mental health worldwide.”

— Dr. Karlee Silver, CEO, Grand Challenges Canada

“"We aim to amplify our youth mental wellbeing movement, changing attitudes and behaviors towards how mental wellbeing promotion and prevention are both considered and prioritized by all: governments, private organizations, practitioners, caregivers and young people themselves.

It takes a village to empower young people to speak up about how they feel."

— Sofyen Khalfaoui, Head of Improving Mental Wellbeing - Z Zurich Foundation

We’d love to hear from you

If you have any feedback on this research, or it has supported you in your work, we would love to hear from you.

Please share any feedback or stories of impact below you wish to share with us. Your feedback will only be shared publicly with your permission.

If you are a funder that has been missed from this year’s report, please do let us know, and please register to join our global funder portfolio here to be included in future year global funder surveys informing this annual research.